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International Revival Church, Toronto, was born out of a vision from God to Revive today’s generation to the fullness of God.


​We believe this is the time for the new generation to recognize and embrace Jesus and lead a life centered on God. IRC’s goal is to lead the people of God into a Revival that will break traditions and cross boundaries. Worldly traditions have crept in churches, making her weak. “Wherefore come out from among them, and be separate, says the Lord" (2 Cor. 6:17). Therein lies our desire to be a church that truly seeks after God's own heart.


​Jesus said in His public ministry to the Scribes and Pharisees in Jerusalem, “Why do you also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? …You nullify the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition”. It is time for the Church to move into God’s agenda and lead people towards God’s purpose. This can only be accomplished when the Church is established in the power of the Word and Spirit. We are in a time where people are easily prone to drifting away from the real purpose of God's church. Listen to what Jesus said, “Jesus answered and said unto them, You do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.” IRC is established to follow this principle by giving importance to the Word and the Power of God. This is not a Democratic church but a Theocratic body where His Authority is exercised, His Leadership is revealed and His Power is at work. When Christ is at work, people will be Encouraged, Strengthened, Inspired, Revived, Renewed, Restored, Edified and Empowered.​


God established IRC to LEAD his children towards the truth, TRAIN them for God’s purpose and EMPOWER them for God’s Kingdom


Our vision is to reach, teach, make disciples, and empower the people through the Holy Spirit, for the revival, to be restored to the fullness of the purpose of God. A life giving Church and a people of prayer for an end time revival.


The Mission is to assist believers to become rooted, grounded, and established in the Word of God. We are committed to raise leaders by building and equipping the saints to operate confidently in the Biblical principles and in the Power of the Holy Spirit. An Apostolic Revival Center with the passion to pursue the presence of God that will transform people



We believe in the verbal inspiration of the Bible and in one God eternally existing in three persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Father, conceived of the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary. He was crucified, buried, and raised from the dead, ascended to heaven, and is now at the right hand of the Father as the Intercessor. We affirm the necessity of the new birth as stated in John 3:3, 1 Peter 1:23, and 1 John 3:9, and believe that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.


Repentance is commanded by God and necessary for the forgiveness of sins. Justification, regeneration, and new birth are wrought by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ, and sanctification follows the new birth through faith in His blood, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. Holiness is God's standard for His people, and the baptism with the Holy Ghost is subsequent to a clean heart, evidenced initially by speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.​


Our practices include water baptism by immersion for all who repent, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and we believe divine healing is provided for all in the atonement. We observe the Lord's Supper and the washing of the saints' feet. We hold to the pre-millennial second coming of Jesus, who will first resurrect the righteous dead and catch away the living saints to Him in the air, and then reign on earth for a thousand years. We believe in the bodily resurrection, eternal life for the righteous, and eternal punishment for the wicked. ​


Regarding marriage, we uphold its exclusivity as a union of one man and one woman, designed by God as stated in Genesis 2:24 and affirmed by Jesus in Matthew 19:4-6. Therefore, our church will follow this scriptural definition of marriage in its teachings and practices and will not officiate, solemnize, perform, or host any marriage or marriage-like ceremony that deviates from this union.


Sunday Worship ( English ) - 10:30AM

Sunday Worship ( Malayalam ) - 09:00AM

Kids Ministry - 11:15 AM ( AGE 3-14)

Address: 4150 Chesswood Drive,

  Toronto, ON, M3J 2B9​

Tel: -   +1  (647)-833-9744 ​​​​


Sunday Worship - 09:45 AM

Sunday School - 09:00 AM

​Address:- 530 Charlotte St,

 London, ON N5W 4A4

​​Tel:- +1 (647)-907-9889



Sunday Worship - 05:30 PM - 7:30PM

Sunday School - 05:00PM - 05:30PM

Address:- 534 George St N,

 Peterborough, ON K9H 3S1

​Tel:- +1  (647)- 771-4797 ​


 Sunday Worship 03:00 PM 

Kids Ministry - 02:15 PM

​Address:- 500 Bride Private

 Nepean, ON K2J 0J1

​Tel:- +1  (647) - 554 -8062


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